Thursday 3 January 2013

H&M Disney Snow White Nail Polish

H&M Snow White Nail Polish in 'Make me blush'

Today I picked up a lovely little bottle (or so I thought) of H&M Snow White polish I'd been eyeing up for a while - mainly due to the packaging. I choose 'Make me blush' which is a really gorgeous peachy pink shade with a hint of shimmer, but there was also a frosty white 'Snow white' and a silver hex and micro glitter 'Silver frost' available. At only £1.99 it was a bargain, especially when you consider the bottle size is a whopping 15mls and the pack looks so nice. Sadly the formula didn't live up to expectations, not sure I have the right to grumble at only £1.99, but I do like to get my money's worth! I found the brush much too thin and so it was really tricky to apply, I either got too much or too little polish on it and so it was very uneven, it also took an AGE to dry! It is a nice colour once done, although maybe a bit pale for my already pasty skin, here it is at two coats, but I think it could do with a third, as it's patchy in places and sadly the hint of shimmer didn't transfer onto the nail. :-(

Not sure I'd buy anymore H&M polishes if the formula is like this, which is a shame as I've read so many good reviews of them and the colours look nice, but I don't think I have the patience for another polish war like I had tonight!

Since my post (only an hour or two ago) little holes have appeared on the surface of the polish! It looks really odd and has only happened on a couple of my nails. I've never had a polish do this and it's under a Sally Hansen top coat - any ideas? :-(


  1. Looks like air bubbles, possibly from the polish not drying properly before adding a top coat/another layer of polish.
    Gorgeous colour though! Your post prompted me to buy it (:

    1. Hey Jamie-Lee,

      Thanks for checking out my post and your help with the air bubbles. I think it might actually be the top coat which is Sally Hansen No Chips as its since happened with some of my other polishes. I keep meaning to edit the post to remove the bubble bit but just haven't got round to it yet! Hope you liked the polish :-) x

  2. H&M polishes are really nice! This one is a pain, but I think it's because it's pastel.... Pastel colors are usually streaky... and also these polishes are cheaper than the other square bottled H&m polishes. Those are really great.

  3. Hi Bettina,

    Thanks for checking out my blog :-)

    I'll need to have a look at their other polishes next time I'm in store as they have some lovely shades! I shall report back!

